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Seminaire de Nathalie Destouches, Laboratoire Hubert Curien

le 23 septembre 2021
A 11h - amphi Dorothy Hodgkin

L'Institut d'Alembert accueille Nathalie Destouches, du Laboratoire Hubert Curien de l'Université Jean Monnet, lors du séminaire "Laser induced plasmonic colors for security printing", le 23 septembre 2021 à 11h00 - Amphi Dorothy Hodgkin.

Nathalie Destouches

Nathalie Destouches

Presentation :

Plasmonic colors have attracted much interest in the past decade for the large technological impact they are expected to have in industry. The structural colors that emerge from resonant interaction between light and metallic nanostructures are stable over time, can be fabricated in form of thin films that act as metasurfaces, and exhibit high brightness. Controlling the shape or organization anisotropy of metallic nanostructures additionally provides spectral sensitivity to light polarization, which can be exploited to develop innovative applications.
This talk presents different physical and chemical mechanisms triggered by laser on plasmonic metasurfaces made of silver nanoparticles covered by TiO2. Upon cw, nanosecond or femtosecond laser exposure, silver nanoparticles can reshape, shrink or grow, and self-organize along subwavelength gratings. Non-obvious thermal behaviors are unveiled and explained through multiphysical models. Different kinds of laser-induced self-organized nanostructures are highlighted and their origin is discussed through optical models. Furthermore, electromagnetic modeling demonstrates that the dichroism of some self-organized nanostructures results from the hybridization of resonant modes.
Contrary to lithographic techniques, which remarkably control individual nanostructures, laser processing allows for tuning the statistical geometrical properties of nanoparticle assemblies, like their size-distribution, shape anisotropy or spatial distribution through self-organization mechanisms. This does not prevent from reproducibly controlling the macroscopic optical properties of laser-induced random plasmonic metasurfaces and using them for high-end anti-counterfeiting applications. We thus demonstrate that printed image multiplexing can be implemented by laser processing on random plasmonic metasurfaces and produce images that can be demultiplexed by naked eye under natural light by altering the observation angle.

Biography :

Nathalie Destouches is Professor at University Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France. Her activities are characterized by a multidisciplinary and partnership research, both with the academic world and with industry, and by a commitment to closely link university teaching with research and societal developments. Graduated from Ecole Centrale Marseille / ENSPM, she carried out her PhD thesis at Fresnel Institute on light scattering, and was postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratoire des Verres in Montepellier on the physical chemistry of surfaces at the nanometer scale. She joined Jean Monnet University in 2002 to work on diffractive optics. She now leads projects at the interface between materials science and photonics and she is particularly interested in the interaction of light with plasmonic metasurfaces. She was Affiliate Professor at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 2016-17. Having led several ANR projects and industrial collaborations combining different areas of expertise, she undertakes to advance simultaneously on the fronts of scientific innovation and industrial development without losing sight of the construction and transmission of knowledge. She coordinates the master Optics Image Vision Multimedia in Saint-Etienne and the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Photonics for Security Reliability and Safety. Her main scientific contributions led to develop plasmonic photochromic materials, to unveil different mechanisms triggered by laser in plasmonic films, to explain the electromagnetic response of random plasmonic metasurfaces, to simulate metallic nanoparticle growth under dynamic laser exposure or to explain particular thermal behaviors in dynamic laser processes. These fundamental studies led to develop, jointly with one of the leader companies in security documents, the laser printing of color and multiplexed images.

Related articles

1.    N. Dalloz, et al. Anti-counterfeiting white light printed image multiplexing by fast nanosecond laser processing Adv. Mater. accepted (2021)
2.    N. Destouches, et al. Laser-empowered metasurfaces for white light image multiplexing Adv. Func. Mater. 2010430 (2021)
3.    H. Ma et al. Laser-generated Ag nanoparticles in mesoporous TiO2 films: formation processes and modeling-based size prediction J. Phys. Chem. C
    123, 2589825907 (2019)
4.    N. Sharma et al. Tailoring nanocomposite materials with ultrashort laser pulses for applications in photonics Nanoscale 11, 18779 (2019)
5.    N. Sharma et al. Laser-driven plasmonic gratings for multiple image hiding Mater. Horizons 6, 978 (2019)
6.    Z. Liu et al. 3D self-organization in nanocomposite layered systems by ultrafast laser pulses ACS Nano 11 (5), 5031 (2017)
7.    Z. Liu et al. Laser induced mechanisms controlling the size distribution of metallic nanoparticles Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 24600 (2016)

Lieu(x) :
Amphi Dorothy Hodgkin

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