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Photoluminescence spectra and quantum yields of gold nanosphere monomers and dimers in aqueous suspension
Loumaigne, M., Laurent, G., Werts, M. H., & Débarre, A. (2016). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(48), 33264-33273.
The intrinsic one-photon excited photoluminescence (PL) of dimers and monomers of gold spheres (50 nm and
80 nm) freely diffusing in water was studied by combining photon time-of-flight spectroscopy and light
scattering fluctuation correlation spectroscopy. Measurements at the single particle level enable the separate
spectroscopic study of monomers and dimers even though they exist as a mixture in the samples. PL emission
spectra and diffusional dynamics are obtained simultaneously. Using an original new protocol, we determine
the very low PL quantum yields of the dimers and the monomers. Interestingly, the QY of the dimers was found
to be of same order of magnitude as that of the monomers which indicates that the interparticle
electromagnetic hot-spots' do not play a major role in the PL emission mechanism in such plasmonic