* Construction of triazolyl bidentate glycoligands (TBGs) by grafting of 3-azidocoumarin to epimeric pyranoglycosides via a fluorogenic dual click réaction
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* Relation between flexibility and positively selected HIV-1 protease mutants against inhibitors
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* A microfluidic device with removable packaging for the real time visualisation of intracellular effects of nanosecond electrical pulses on adherent cells
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* Mixed Copper, Silver, and Gold Cyanides, (M(x)M '(1-x))CN: Tailoring Chain Structures To Influence Physical Properties
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* Aromaticity-Controlled Thermal Stability of Photochromic Systems Based on a Six-Membered Ring as Ethene Bridges: Photochemical and Kinetic Studies
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* High-resolution analyses of cell fusion dynamics in a biochip
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* Specific and Nondestructive Detection of Different Diarylethene Isomers by NIR-SERS
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* Rational design of a fluorescent NADPH derivative imaging constitutive nitric-oxide synthases upon two-photon excitation
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* Multiphoton-gated cycloreversion reaction of a photochromic 1,2-bis(thiazolyl) perfluorocyclopentene diarylethene derivative
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* A selective lead sensor based on a fluorescent molecular probe grafted on a PDMS microfluidic chip
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* 3' Self-Inactivating Long Terminal Repeat Inserts for the Modulation of Transgene Expression from Lentiviral Vectors
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* Shape and size separation of gold nanoparticles using glucose gradient density
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* Hybrid approaches to molecular simulation
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* Fluorescent molecular nanocrystals anchored in sol-gel thin films: a label-free signalization function for biosensing applications
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* The synthesis of tetrahedral bipyridyl metallo-octupoles with large second- and third-order nonlinear optical properties
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* Discovery of a sensitive Cu(II)-cyanide "off-on" sensor based on new C-glycosyl triazolyl bis-amino acid scaffold
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* Infrared, visible and upconversion emission of CaAl12O19 powders doped with Er3+, Yb3+ and Mg2+ ions
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* New Results on Deterministic Cramer-Rao Bounds for Real and Complex Parameters
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* Stimulation of the Human RAD51 Nucleofilament Restricts HIV-1 Integration In Vitro and in Infected Cells
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* Quantitative full-colour transmitted light microscopy and dyes for concentration mapping and measurement of diffusion coefficients in microfluidic architectures
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* A novel pyridinium hemicyanine dye with carboxylate anchoring group and its application in dye-sensitized solar cells
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* Protein kinase D1 stimulates proliferation and enhances tumorigenesis of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells through a MEK/ERK-dependent signaling pathway.
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* The synthesis of tetrahedral bipyridyl metallo-octupoles with large second- and third-order nonlinear optical properties
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* DnaA and the timing of chromosome replication in Es-cherichia coli as a function of growth rate.
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* CuAAC Click Chemistry Accelerates the Discovery of Novel Chemical Scaffolds as Promising Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases Inhibitors
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* Enhancing performance of polymer-based microlasers by a pedestal geometry
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* Polarization properties of solid-state organic lasers
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* Local Field Effects in the Energy Transfer between a Chromophore and a Carbon Nanotube: A Single-Nanocompound Investigation
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