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Home > Seminars and symposia

Institut d'Alembert seminar - Iam Choon Khoo

On June 11, 2024

10h45 : Coffee reception - "Kafé" garden level, ENS Paris Saclay
11h : Seminar presented by Iam Choon Khoo

The next IDA seminar will take place on Tuesday 11 June, in the Amphi Dorothy Hodgkin, at 11.15am. It will be presented by Iam Choon Khoo, Professor at PennState University. The seminar is entitled : Soft chiral photonic crystals for ultrafast nonlinear optics.

Type :
Seminars and conferences
Place(s) :
ENS Paris Saclay - Coffee reception - "Kafé" garden level, ENS Paris Saclay
ENS Paris Saclay - Seminar : Amphi Hodgkin - 0I10- West building

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